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Making Connections: Working Together with Technology to Support Social Inclusion for Older Adults

Location: Lions Hall (attached to Lions Arena) 20 Rittenhouse Rd. Kitchener
Cost: Free
Who: By invitation only. If you are interested in attending please contact us.

What this event will be about

  • Facilitate meaningful interaction and communication between researchers, industry, government, older adults and stakeholders to promote knowledge building and exchange.
  • Raise awareness of regional capacity and available resources to address social inclusion for older adults through technology and innovation.
  • Explore how technology could enable solutions to support socially isolated older adults within the region.

Event Agenda
*Agenda subject to change
8:30am - 9:00am  Registration
9:00am - 10:00am Opening remarks and introduction
10:00am - 10:15am  Break
10:15am - 11:45am  Solutions-focused activity
11:45am - 12:00pm  Closing Remarks
12:00pm - 1:00pm  Lunch and gallery walk

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