We welcome your ideas, feedback and opportunities for collaboration. Please feel free to contact any one of us


Project Lead: Josephine McMurray, Assistant Professor       email: jmcmurray@wlu.ca              (mobile: +01.1.519.242.7477)

Project Lead: Heidi Sveistrup, Professor                                email: heidi.sveistrup@uottawa.ca

Post-doctoral Fellow: Heather McNeil                                   email: hmcneil@uwaterloo.ca

Social Media and Web Assistant: Kelly Xu                            email: xuxx6240@mylaurier.ca

Follow us on social media: Twitter: @AgeWell_DRIVEInstagram: @drive_agewell

Follow us on social media: 

Twitter: @AgeWell_DRIVE

Instagram: @drive_agewell

DRiVE is located on the Brantford campus of the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics:



38 Market Street

Brantford, ON, N3T 2Z5



Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday: 9AM – 6PM

Saturday – Sunday: Closed